Call for Abstracts
Registration and abstract submission are closed!
Please note: The booking of a room at the conference site hotel is only possible after the registration for the conference.
Blocked hotel rooms in Ascona are available until 30.05.2024 and have to be booked by the participants.
Please make the registration for the conference and the payment of the registration fee on the CSF registration platform:
- You can upload the abstract (please use this .
- Please write in the comments field of the registration form:
- «talk or poster»
- «poster only»
- Invited speakers are kindly requested to upload or send an abstract (please use this Download template (DOCX, 17 KB)) and a CV (any format, max. 5 pages).
Submission deadlines
* Hotel rooms in Ascona are only blocked until 30.05.2024!
Posters :
Size: A0 portrait (841 x 1189 mm), no larger than 90 cm in width
ELSPEC Student Awards (2023-2026)
The Elsevier journal entiteled The Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (ELSPEC) will sponsor 2 student awards for IWP&RIXS 2024. They consist of a cash prize of EUR 500.
The Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (ELSPEC) Student Awards aim to engage with young researchers and support them in attending relevant conferences in the field.
All PhD students who submit their abstract will be considered as candidates for the award.
Further information can be found at external page Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena: Awards